I'm Frances, otherwise known as Molli (but never, ever, ever Frank!).
This blog is simply a collection of my thoughts about films I watch, if you're looking for in-depth analysis then you probably won't find it here... But you will find my husbands boob counter which is secretly what you were looking for!
These consist of the random musings you have with your mates like when did he/she get so old? What was he/she in? How the hell does that work? What is the meaning of the end of Inception? (I'm never going to answer that, please move along).
I will declare now there may be SPOILERS, most of my reviews will be based on the DVD release of a film and they may be new films or old classics. I personally feel that if it's on DVD then we've passed the point of needing a warning. You may also notice I don't rate the film, this is because I'm telling you my thoughts I will give you a conclusion of my review; should you watch it or not... but I find it impossible to apply a numerical value to this.
I hope you enjoy reading, please feel free to follow me. I encourage comments, I like a good debate :)
Boob Counter: No boobs here, sorry folks!