Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Mirrors 2

If I said the name Nick Stahl to you would it mean anything?  What has he done?  Well he starred in the Terminator film which shall not be named...  Yes that one with the female Terminator, the one that was a cringefest of bad acting and even badder script writing.  But as far as I'm concerned that film doesn't exist and therefore Nick Stahl has done nothing noteworthy, not even starring in my next film choice Mirrors 2.
Now I'll admit that Mirrors was hardly a brilliant film, Jack Bauer...  Sorry, Keifer Sutherland, ran around looking generally pissed off at everything whilst attempt to exorcise some mirror based demons; but at least it was watchable unlike it's straight-to-video sequel.

Let us review the plot, Max is a night time security guard at his fathers mall, the recently reopened Mayflower department store.  One year prior Max had a serious car accident killing his fiancée and causing him to be clinically dead until he is resuscitated by medical crews at the scene, he is racked with guilt although I'm not sure why the silly woman shouldn't have crawled into the back seat of the car to get a backpack in the first place.  Currently being treated by a psychologist Max begins to see a woman in the stores mirrors and this leads him to see his colleagues deaths like a really bad Final Destination.  Anyway turns out that freaky mirror girl is a missing employee, Max finds her sister and they go off in Scooby Doo mode to solve the case.

It's your bog standard crazy ass dead girl wants revenge, see The Ring for almost identical plot except replace mirrors for a television.  And nothing much actually happens, there's a few deaths but inventive they are not, if one victim had seen Dog Soldiers he's know how to fix the fact his intestines are now on the outside of his body.  The laugh out loud moment came when Maxs father is facing death by pizza cutter!  I don't know what pizza cutters are like in the States but I can tell you over here you'll be lucky if you could cut a pizza with them let alone slash your own face off.
Stahl didn't receive the memo saying the fancy dress theme was cancelled
Nick Stahl doesn't get beyond confused monotone man, with such distractingly bad hair I forgot what his face looked like; actually no he looked a bit like a gerbil, like he's been taking transmogrification class at Hogwarts but hasn't quite got the whole way yet.  The supporting cast of made up of a bunch of clichés get your check sheet out for bitch, slime ball, arrogant over achiever and over sensitive Dad.   Stahl female co-star, revenge bitch's sister, is played by same woman who is Mia in Two & A Half Men and she has the same smug, better than you expression in this.

Really don't bother with Mirrors 2, in fact only bother if it happens to pop up on TV, you don't have to pay for it and don't bother watching the first half hour as the back story doesn't appear till the end so you're not missing much.  Looking in an actual mirror for 80 minutes is a better use of your time.

Mirrors 2

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